The Benefits of Pleated Air Filters for Your Home

Pleated air filters are a great choice for homeowners looking to improve their indoor air quality. With a higher MERV rating than other filters, they are more effective at trapping various contaminants.

The Benefits of Pleated Air Filters for Your Home

Pleated air filters are a great choice for homeowners looking to improve their indoor air quality. With a higher MERV rating than other filters, they are more effective at trapping various contaminants, such as smoke, pet dander, and dust. Unlike other filters, they don't interfere with airflow, so your system can maintain its cooling or heating efficiency. A MERV 12 filter from Bardi Heating, Cooling & Plumbing can trap up to 80% of particles smaller than one micron in diameter.

Additionally, these filters can be impregnated with electrostatic properties to trap even more debris and dust and improve air quality. Pleated air filters use polyester, plastic fiber, or cotton screens to remove dust and other particles from the air entering the air conditioning system. They provide specialized knowledge on a myriad of topics related to domestic air filtration, such as HVAC filters, filtration efficiency, and indoor air quality. This type of filter is best suited for large spaces that require fast, free airflow, and it only traps the largest particles.

If you live in an area with high air pollution, like San Francisco, California, pleated air filters are the best choice for your home. They have more surface area than other filters, so they can capture more dirt, dust, and other contaminants found in the air. Plus, they can incorporate active carbon materials into the surface to eliminate odors. Fiberglass filters don't remove three-quarters of these pollutants, so pleated air filters are a much better option.

You can order your pleated air filters now and change the order to match the quantity, quality, and size of the filters you need. With the right filter for your unit, you'll be able to keep the air moving and pass through the dense filter material while also having the best air quality in your home without having to change the filter too often. When it comes to improving your home's indoor air quality, pleated air filters are an excellent choice. They have a higher MERV rating than other types of filters and can trap up to 80% of particles smaller than one micron in diameter.

Additionally, they don't interfere with airflow and can incorporate active carbon materials into their surface to eliminate odors. If you live in an area with high air pollution levels, pleated air filters are a much better option than fiberglass filters. With the right filter for your unit, you'll be able to keep the air moving while also having the best air quality in your home without having to change the filter too often.

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